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Program (time in Paris - Brussels, GMT+1)

1- Introduction
2- Set-up of the system
3- 1st case
4- Mobile vs. fixed system
5- 2nd case
6- Q&A , final discussion & debate
7- End of Webinar

Educational Objectives

A - Discuss current trends and approaches of vascular  imaging inside the operation theatre
B - Present to the participants the possibilities of mobile hybrid solutions
C - Demonstrate advanced techniques in endovascular treatment using mobile imaging
D - Demonstrate the different possibilities of a mobile hybrid room solution
E - Provide platform for discussion and mutual learning

Targeted audience

A - Endovascular specialists (Interventional Radiologists, Interventional Angiologists, Vascular Surgeons and Interventional Cardiologists)
B -  Hospital management , Medical Directors
C -  Endovascular nurses
D - Referring physicians of patients with vascular disease.

Live session produced in collaboration with


Date du tournage : 26/03/2015
Dernière mise à jour : 18/09/2023

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